Former Cleveland Heights Mayor Alan Rapoport:
WAS A Better Choice For Congress
I sought election to the U.S. House of Representatives in Ohio District 11 so voters would have a choice. I offered a “moderate” alternative to a “progressive” agenda.
On November 5, 2024, I received nearly 58,000 votes. But that was not nearly enough. I did not succeed.
I thought I was qualified as a former three term Mayor of Cleveland Heights and as a lawyer. I knew I had experience and and that I know how to represent people. So I again offered my services to my community.
I won a Republican primary election and then sought support from Democrats and Independents by asking them all to unite with me against a Progressive Movement that has brought chaos and harm.
I believed in an agenda for a better future. The results of elections throughout the country and in most of Ohio showed that this agenda had popular support. But I was unable to persuade enough voters in Cuyahoga County that they should prefer it.
I wish I had been able to raise enough money to communicate more effectively. But I offer no excuses and no apologies. To those who did offer me moral and material support, I say that I am and will be forever grateful.
WAS More Qualified Than His Opponents
Former Mayor of Cleveland Heights
A Council President Elected Unanimously by Democratic and Republican Members
50 years in the General Practice of Law
Representing Families and Businesses
Cleveland Heights High School
Elected to Alumni Hall Of Fame
Kenyon College
Magna Cum Laude and Highest Honors in History
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa
Case Western Reserve School of Law
National Moot Court Team
Elected to The Order Of Barristers
Visitor to 27 Foreign Countries
Former Trustee of Forest Hill Church
Housing Corporation and Heights Arts
Former Vice Chair of Professional Ethics Committee of the Cuyahoga County Bar Association