Former Cleveland Heights Mayor Alan Rapoport:

A Real Alternative to Shontel Brown


Alan Rapoport is running for election to the U.S. House of Representatives in the 11th Congressional District so voters will have a choice in November.  He offers a “moderate” alternative to Shontel Brown, his “progressive” opponent.

District 11 includes most of Cuyahoga County, Ohio.

Alan Rapoport is a former three term Mayor of Cleveland Heights.  As a lawyer with 50 years of experience, he has represented families and businesses.  He is the best qualified candidate to represent us in Congress.

Alan Rapoport once was elected unanimously by Democrat and Republican members as a city council president.  He now seeks support from traditional Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.  Together, we must unite against a destructive Progressive Movement.

Alan Rapoport has major concerns about the progressive agenda:

  • The bad effect an irrational war against fossil fuel has had on inflation and interest rates
  • The destruction of police morale caused by the “defund” movement
  • The invasion of our national borders by potential criminals, terrorists and drug dealers
  • The culture wars against families and women in education and sports
  • The many interferences with our freedoms by the government and the administrative state
  • The existential threat from China as it engages in hostile activities
  • The wars in Ukraine and Israel caused by horrible foreign policies
  • The threat of nuclear war because of a badly flawed Iran Deal

Our country faces threats to our standard of living and threats to our safety.  It is a time for representatives who demonstrate competence and common sense.  And Shontel Brown demonstrates neither.

There is a big difference between Alan Rapoport and Shontel Brown.  Unlike Shontel Brown, Alan Rapoport has a belief in an agenda for a better future.


  • Alan Rapoport agrees with the Lower Energy Costs Act, which would stop inflation, decrease prices and interest rates, create jobs, and make our country energy independent.

Shontel Brown voted “no”.


  • Alan Rapoport agrees with House Resolution 40, which condemned efforts to defund the police.

Shontel Brown voted “no”.


  • Alan Rapoport agrees with The Secure the Border Act of 2023, to end a “catch and release” policy that allows invasions by criminals, terrorists, and drug dealers.

Shontel Brown voted “no”.


  • Alan Rapoport agrees with The Parents Bill of Rights Act, which would allow parents to discover how their children are being educated.

Shontel Brown voted “no”.


  • Alan Rapoport agrees with The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, which would prevent a person whose sex is male from participating in athletic programs designated for females. 

Shontel Brown voted “no”.


  • Alan Rapoport agrees with The Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act, which prohibit federal officials from censoring the speech of Americans.

Shontel Brown voted “no”.


We live in dangerous times.  Economic insecurity, chaos, invasions, and wars all threaten us.

Our representatives in Congress must show courage and common sense.  And the voting record of Shontel Brown brings into doubt whether she offers enough of either. 

You can “click” below to read more detailed position papers.

Please support efforts of Alan Rapoport to replace Shontel Brown.  No less than the future of our country is at stake.

CLICK HERE To Learn More


A Better Choice for Congress


Former Mayor of Cleveland Heights
As Council President Elected Unanimously by Democratic and Republican Members

50 years in the General Practice of Law
Representing Families and Businesses

Cleveland Heights High School
Elected to Alumni Hall Of Fame

Kenyon College
Magna Cum Laude and Highest Honors in History
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa

Case Western Reserve School of Law
National Moot Court Team
Elected to The Order Of Barristers

Visitor to 27 Foreign Countries

Former Trustee of Forest Hill Church
Housing Corporation and Heights Arts

Former Vice Chair of Professional Ethics Committee of the Cuyahoga County Bar Association

Elect Alan Rapoport to the U.S. House of Representatives
for Ohio’s 11th District.